Blueprint of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions

My tech stack

(alternative title: pathological eclecticism has its upsides!)
Picture of Lord Broblord holding a computer and an angle grinder Colored bubbles background
  • A computer engineering degree - not that thrilling, but it makes me look at least 37% smarter
  • Complete front-end package - for you nerds out there, this website is developed with Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Tailwind.css
  • Electronics and hardware - I really like robots and I'm totally not trying to become a cyborg and merge my mind with a sentient AI
  • General programming stuff - why choose a single field when you can try to learn everything and mix up the syntax of seven different languages?
    It doesn't happen THAT often, I swear
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// All professional inquiries go here!
Luca Cavaletto, 2025
P.IVA: 12775380012